Friday, January 21, 2011


Here are some stereotypes for you:

Guys hate chick flicks.

Girls hate gun-slinging action flicks.

Of course there are exceptions to each, but I was thinking about this today and I came to some interesting conclusions. Guys don't like chick flicks because there isn't anything there for them. The films center around women getting what they want: finding a man who loves them unconditionally and changes for her. Many men watch these films and say, "Yeah, a guy would never be like that." Women are the sole consumers of this somewhat deceiving (undoubtedly entertaining) genre of film.

The same thing can be applied to the other stereotype. Girls often don't like action films because they center around men and the women around them who exist purely for sex appeal. They enter the story to be sexy and fulfilling, and have little other purpose. Women, like myself, often say "Yeah, women aren't like that in real life."

My final conclusion is that there are certain films that both men and women love, equally, and these are the films that probably show best true human interaction and identity. We are attracted to truth, and we can easily tell when personas are fake or contrived.

Which films do you find to be equally enjoyable for both men and women?

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